United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County
United Way is a well-respected local organization with a high level of legitimacy and a reputation for being community minded. With over $52 million in local funds raised and invested every year, United Way is unmatched in its track record of improving outcomes for children and families. United Way also values and cultivates its role as an incubator for community collaborations, seeking innovative solutions to seemingly intractable problems. Recent examples include:
- Community Information Now (1998 to present): United Way was a founding partner of this community-accessible data collaborative (www.cinow.info)
- Family-School-Community Partnership (2006 to present): a parent-driven model in inner city schools
- Early Development Instrument initiative (2010 to present) – a strategic change process involving a cutting-edge population-based needs assessment tool in four San Antonio school districts
- Eastside Promise Neighborhood (2010 to present) – a cradle to career collective impact initiative to improve academic and life outcomes in distressed populations.
- Third Grade Reading (2012 to present)- a key partner in the collaborative with the City of San Antonio, SA2020, Head Start, P16 Plus, and school districts. United Way’s Promise Neighborhood serves as the pilot site for many of the initiatives and the Early Development Instrument (EDI) is the kinder assessment tool used.
- Dual-Generation Workforce Pilot (2012 to present) – a career pipeline for parents of children 0 to 10 years of age that integrates the early childhood outcomes in the Promise Neighborhood, funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation.
Reason for Joining NREC
To learn from and contribute to best practices for community well-being metrics that can become standards across the country.
How currently using NREC tools
- Results Based Accountability
- Shared Data System (CommunityViewer)
- Target Setting Tools and Processes
- Results Scorecard
- Service Provider Contract Monitoring
Anticipated contributions to NREC work
- Shared data system: CommunityViewer: challenges and successes in building and using shared data system
- Community Voice in the target setting process/Using data to make strategic decisions
- Successful partnerships with ISDs (EDI)
Main and back up contact information
- Henri Munoz, Ph.D. [email protected]
- Marcos Marquez : [email protected]
- Kasi Cox: [email protected]
- Laura McKieran, Ph.D: [email protected]